Who can benefit from pelvic floor rehabilitation?

PF rehabilitation is proposed according to the pathology of the person and is generally offered to women during the period that follows childbirth (postpartum), but is also prescribed in the following cases:

  • Women in the pre and post-natal periods
  • Women suffering from stress urge or mixed incontinence, Overactive/Under active Bladder.
  • Women in Preoperative or postoperative treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Women In post-surgical cases such as hysterectomy, C-section, bladder suspension.
  • Women suffering from pelvic or genital pain as: Painful Episiotomy, Urethral or Anorectal Pain, Vulvar Pain Syndrome.

Women experiencing musculoskeletal dysfunction as: Sacroiliac and Lumbo-sacral Pain, Coccygodynia (tailbone) Pain, Hip or Low Back Pain, Diastasis.