Factors causing poor posture in children

Musculoskeletal system problems

This is the most common type of origin of poor posture. It happens because of continuous bad positions we use in activities of daily living that create the muscle imbalances over time. All activities have an influence on our posture including sitting, standing, walking and even sleeping.

Eye problems

Problems with vision can cause children to lean forward and poke their chin out to be able to see more clearly. This causes the upper back to become more rounded and causes shortening of the muscles at the back of the neck.

Ear problems

Hearing and balance are the 2 functions controlled by the ear and both can have an effect on posture. Hearing difficulty in 1 or both ears will result in the child adopting postures that will place the ear in a better position for hearing, but this may result in habitual movements and positions that can later develop into poor posture.

Balance is controlled by the eyes, middle ear and the feeling in the joints(proprioception). If the middle ear is not working correctly, the body has to work harder to compensate and change positions to prevent falling. These adaptions can lead to poor posture over time .

Central nervous system disorders

This is the least common cause of postural change in children. Any damage or disease of the brain or spinal chord will have an effect on posture. This system controls the way we use our senses and how the body responds to these and any changes to sensation or the muscle response will cause postural changes over time.

Peripheral nervous system disorders

Also very small cause of postural changes in children and works similarly to the changes of the central nervous system. The place where the abnormal sensation or muscle action is happening occurs outside of the spine (nerves of the arms and legs).